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Isara – kurzes Markenprofil

Founded by a babywearing consultant in 2012, ISARA has become a world-renowned European babywearing brand, earning numerous accolades over the years. As one of the world’s first iconic multi-adjustable baby carrier brands, ISARA has committed more than 7 years to engineer a wide range of sustainable, leading-edge innovations that provide the ultimate babywearing experience for parents, caregivers, and children. From smart functionality covers, hand-crafted demo dolls to premium, organic accessories and revolutionary one-size design baby carriers, ISARA provides top-of-the-line ergonomic novelties, versatile and essential for today’s fast-paced world.

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Übrigens: Dafür steht der Markenname Isara

ISARA’s founder and certified babywearing consultant, stumbled upon the name while reading about nurturing closeness and the soothing feeling of being close to mommy or daddy’s heartbeat. ISARA in Filipino (Tagalog) means “close”, evoking the wonderful journey of parenthood, experienced as ONE-togetherness, a bond of love interwoven for a lifetime. We embarked on a close to your heart, “growing together” adventure, to deliver the sweetest hugs with an endless supply of cuddles and a dash of innovation. “Close”, we discover what true love really means.

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Gegründet: 2012


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