
Auszug aus der Childhood-Business-Brand-Database

Modu – kurzes Markenprofil

MODU is an ecosystem of big building blocks that make active play the natural choice for kids in all ages. Only the imagination sets the limit and the kids can use their whole body for balancing, walking, rolling, climbing, rocking, jumping or riding fun. Thus, MODU combines the creative building play known from Lego with motoric play known from various motoric toys.

Gern würden wir hier ein kurzes Profil der Marke  Modu vorstellen, haben aber noch keine Gelegenheit gefunden, dieses zusammenzustellen. Wenn Sie uns einen Profiltext zukommen lassen können, stellen wir diesen gern alsbald ein. 

Übrigens: Dafür steht der Markenname Modu

MODU is an ecosystem of big building blocks that make active play the natural choice for kids in all ages. Only the imagination sets the limit and the kids can use their whole body for balancing, walking, rolling, climbing, rocking, jumping or riding fun. Thus, MODU combines the creative building play known from Lego with motoric play known from various motoric toys.

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Gegründet: 2017


Einfach passend

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