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Shnuggle – kurzes Markenprofil

We developed our vision for Shnuggle – to make life easier and safer for growing families. We now have a growing range of innovative products across SleepTime, BathTime and ChangeTime with over 50 consumer, industry and business awards. Tried and tested by parents and recognised for our innovation and design. Now, as parents to three children, we have a fantastic team, making life easier and safer for hundreds of thousands of parents across the world with a growing range. We continue to be thoughtful in how we design each Shnuggle product, listening to parents at every stage. We are excited about the future and love being a part of other family’s stories.

Gern würden wir hier ein kurzes Profil der Marke  Shnuggle vorstellen, haben aber noch keine Gelegenheit gefunden, dieses zusammenzustellen. Wenn Sie uns einen Profiltext zukommen lassen können, stellen wir diesen gern alsbald ein. 

Übrigens: Dafür steht der Markenname Shnuggle

“Our inspiration comes from being parents and experiencing all of those ‘first-time’ moments that new parents experience with baby”. Sinead and Adam Murphy, Co-Founders Shnuggle

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Gegründet: 2009


Einfach passend

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