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Byalex-Playmats – kurzes Markenprofil

ByAlex playmats create a space where you can divide your attention and play together. They are handmade with much attention to detail, using the best quality materials that are locally produced in Europe with care for people and the environment. The eclectic prints and easy-care waterproof fabrics add a unique flair tailored to a home with kids. With a handmade ByAlex Playmat you create the perfect playroom and reading nook for your precious little one.

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Übrigens: Dafür steht der Markenname Byalex-Playmats

The ByAlex Playmats are born from motherhood. I believe the most important thing you can give your child is attention. Real physical attention with a genuine hug of love or comfort, having a romp with both a toddler and a baby to teach them their boundaries or play their game with firetrucks and trains. The sincere attention and physical contact between a parent and child, or among children, is essential for bonding and growing trust. Ultimately this became clear to me when I became a mom myself. I needed a nice place for my kids where they can play, cuddle, romp around and read. With that in mind, I developed the ByAlex Playmats. A place big enough to play together and comfortable enough for both kids and parents. And always in style, beacuse a home with kids desires to be stylish as well.

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Gegründet: 2016
Einfach passend

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